EU clears way for continued Government funding of Galway Airport

A delegation from Galway Airport has met with officials from the Department of Transport in Dublin to discuss the future of the airport and to clarify issues over funding.

There have been concerns in recent weeks after the Government indicated that funding to the airport may be cut as a result of a review of Public Service Obligation (PSO ) and Operational Subvention payments.

However management at Galway Airport expressed some hope earlier this week after receiving clarification from the European Commission which gave reassurances that the Government will not be in violation of any EU legislation by continuing to provide funding for a PSO route to Dublin. Airport management immediately wrote to the Minister for Transport urgently seeking a meeting.

Managing director Joe Walsh further explained: “We received clear assurances from the European Commission that if the Irish Government believes there to be an economic case for the continuation of the PSO, then Europe will not interfere in the process. This is a major step forward as the Irish Government previously feared that the EU would be an obstacle to the renewal of the PSO .”

Galway Airport chairman Michael Corless described the meetings in Brussels as “extremely positive”. He thanked the three Connaught Ulster MEPs for their continuing support of Galway Airport.

“Now that Brussels involvement has been cleared up, the Irish Government can concentrate on taking decisions for the right reasons, the continued growth and economic wellbeing of the Galway region,” he said.

It is believed that a reduction in Galway Airport funding could have a dramatic impact on the Galway region and the west of Ireland’s ability to maintain current levels of foreign direct investment as well as attract new multinational corporations to the region.


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