.... Advertiser.ie - Upskirt phone shots common in Galway, says Rape Crisis Centre

Upskirt phone shots common in Galway, says Rape Crisis Centre

Using mobile phones to take indecent pictures of women is not an uncommon complaint in Galway and is certainly “not a joke”, according to Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNL ).

A spokesperson for RCNL which is based in Quay Street, Galway, said that “it should be made clear that behaviour” such as using mobile phones to take improper photos, groping women in a packed pub, or other general sexual harassment is “not acceptable” and “is certainly not funny”.

The comments come after the news recently that a man was convicted he used his mobile phone to take photos up the skirts of women, among other charges. He is now appealing that conviction.

Cliona Saidlear told Galway First that these types of incidents serve to highlight the seriousness of such acts and “sends out a strong message”. She added that there are people coming in to the centre with complaints of sexual harassment on the streets, in pubs, and sometimes because of ongoing situations at work.

“Women are entitled to bodily integrity. It’s not a joke when it happens but people often laugh it off, tell her she’s a spoilsport or a prude, or if she’s wearing a short skirt they may say she was asking for it. Women, and sometimes men, often feel isolated when it happens, they feel that they’ll be laughed at for reporting it. It can be devastating, it has an effect on the individual, it controls and limits women in society, and there’s the fear of it,” she said.

Ms Saidlear said there is also major concern for the photo ending up on the internet or on other mobile phones as the “abuse of these victims is then perpetuated forever”.

Ms Saidlear concluded by calling on anyone who witnesses a woman being treated in this manner to respond appropriately. She said that it can also be a comfort for the victim if the image is deleted. Women were also encouraged to contact gardaí if there is cause to.


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