Mentoring programme seeks female volunteers for new group initiative

The Big Brothers Big Sisters of Galway programme, which matches adult volunteers with young people aged 10 to 18 years, is seeking female volunteers to take part in a new group mentoring initiative.

Spokesperson Alan Quinn explains a number of girls aged 17 to 18 years are being relocated to direct provision accommodation in Galway from African countries.

“In order to make the transition a less daunting experience we would like to start up a weekly group that would meet to engage in activities such as cooking, arts and crafts, etc. Each female volunteer would be matched up to one of the girls based on similar interests and personalities.

“Through the weekly group activities they can help ease the transition for the girls. The aim is also to help the girls become fully engaged in Galway society while maintaining their own cultural heritage which will help contribute to building a harmonious intercultural society in Galway. This new initiative is the perfect opportunity for someone who is interested in volunteering in a fun, safe and friendly environment.”

The programme, which is operated by Foroige, the National Youth Development Organisation and is running in Ireland since 2001 - is based on the simple idea of friendship.

It is within this friendship that young people can learn and develop skills in decision-making, communication, assertiveness and taking responsibility, according to the organisers. It is also an opportunity for them to gain support and advice from an adult in a friendly and caring environment.

For more information contact Alan at (086 ) 8524920 or e-mail


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