.... Advertiser.ie - David McWilliams to give economy survival talk

David McWilliams to give economy survival talk

How to survive in the economic downturn? This is the question that is on the mind of many these days and to answer this and many other questions Financial Solutions Skillnet have called on the expertise of well-known economist and author, David McWilliams

David will be sharing his wisdom and insights at a talk on Wednesday October 8 at 6.30pm at the Radisson Hotel, Galway. David’s talk, although primarily aimed at the local financial services and business sectors, is also open to members of the general public who are interested.

David is the author of best selling book, The Pope’s Children, described by The Sunday Tribune as “the definitive guide to the Ireland we live in”. He was the first economist to predict the 1990s boom which later became known as the Celtic Tiger.

Nuala Martyn, Network Manager of Financial Services Skillnet, said: “We only need to read the paper or watch the TV to know what’s happening to the wider economy and lots of what we hear is bad news. Rather than focus on the more depressing aspects of the current economic situation, David will show people that business can still be done by staying focused and motivated”.

Financial Services Skillnet is a training network offering subsidised training to the financial services sector.

The tickets for the talk will cost members €10 and €15 for non-members. This includes light refreshments and there will also be a question and answer session. Everyone who attends will also be in with the chance of winning dinner for two to the value of €100. For more information contact Nuala Martyn on 091-850219/087-6452082 or email nuala@financialsolutionsskillnet.ie

Full details of upcoming courses and events can be found on www.financialsolutionsskillnet.com


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