.... Advertiser.ie - West residents reject council enhancement scheme

West residents reject council enhancement scheme

Residents of the The West are continuing to voice their concerns over the city council’s enhancement plans for the area.

At a public meeting last week angry residents and local business owners rejected the updated council plans.

Residents claim that the plan, which would see the Small Crane area pedestrianised, would force an extra 185 cars down New Street West or St Joseph’s Avenue at school drop off time and lead to further noise and outdoor drinking at night.

And at the end of the evening residents at the meeting passed a motion to reject the revised plans with the exception of the minor improvements desired by the residents. These include adequate drainage, repaired concrete foothpaths, and the establishment of community gardens.

The meeting took place in Coláiste Iognáid Secondary School and was attended by the Mayor Padraig Conneely, Cllr Colette Connolly and Cllr Catherine Connolly.

Ms Helen Coleman of GCC Planning and Mr Thomas Connell, Director of Services, gave a presentation on the enhancement scheme.

Mayor Padraig Coneely said, “The council will have to take on board what the residents want and revise the plans to take on board their views”.


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