Discover your potential at White Winds Healing Centre

Pat Cunniffe of Kilcash, Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon, is well known for his psychic and healing abilities. He is expanding and setting up a clinic in Salthill. Through his gifts he is able to see what a person’s life purpose is, how you can fulfil your potential, and what is blocking you mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

He is able to psychically counsel a person to reverse emotional, spiritual, and mental blocks that prevent them from having a fulfilling life. Pat Cunniffe also has the gift of healing physical problems including back pain, trapped nerves, and much more. 

Cunniffe works with his guides and angels who show him current life and past life issues that the client is dealing with. He also channels psychic readings which are amazingly accurate by reading your soul energy. Cunniffe’s aim when working with clients is to enable them to find their full potential.

The White Winds Healing Centre runs courses in psychic development and healing. The level one psychic development course takes place on Saturday June 12 in Roscommon, and on Sunday June 13 in Salthill, Galway. These workshops run from 9.30am until 6pm. Participants will receive a level one certificate, leading on to levels two and three which will take place later in the year. Places are limited on workshops so book your place early by email or phone.

Contact Pat Cunniffe to book your psychic reading and healing appointments. Visit, email, or call (087 ) 3156792 or (090 ) 6661702. 


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