Grow your own crop of new potatoes effortlessly

Potato pods will help you enjoy your very own home grown new potatoes. Whether you are a gardener or not, you can grow potatoes. You don’t even need a garden; you can place the pods in a small area and enjoy fresh new potatoes cooked within minutes of picking.

At Keane’s Garden Centre Kilcolgan, the pods are sold with a crop of new potatoes in them which will be ready for harvesting in the next month. You can easily carry the pods by their two strong handles and leave them anywhere in your garden or on a path. It is effortless and you get your own fresh crop of new potatoes.

This is the future of potato growing, where you can grow your very own crop of potatoes without digging.

They will surpass anything you will purchase in the supermarket or greengrocer and at incredible value of only €7.

Enter a free draw for a greenhouse (value €650 ) with every pod purchased.

Call into Keane’s Garden Centre Kilcolgan or phone (091 ) 796660 while stocks last.


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