Why use thermal imaging?

Thermal imaging captures heat loss as it happens. It has the capability to pick up things which are unseen by the naked eye, and the ability to estimate the amount of heat being lost. It locates and highlights the areas where insulation is lacking or non existent, and can save money by locating heat loss so the problem can be dealt with directly.

Thermal imaging allows you to target the required areas with minimum damage to the external envelope of the property.

Where can thermal imaging find defects?

Thermal imaging can detect defective or non existent insulation in walls and ceilings; underfloor leaks from mains water or internal heating pipes; heat loss via non insulated pipes; blocked radiators which are not running to their full potential; blockages in under floor heating systems; potential defects in electrical appliances and equipment; leaks in ventilation/air conditioning units; air leaks around vents and service pipes; and cracks and defects in chimney stacks and liners.

In certain situations thermal imaging is used to locate people at night and in open spaces. It is also used in medical and veterinary situations where the patient is showing swelling of joints or glands.

What is the difference between BER and thermal imaging?

A building energy rating gives a U and R value of various components for the internal and external areas of the property. It evaluates the external walls, windows, external doors, roof insulation, and knee walls in dormer houses. All these values would be accurate if all the components are correctly done and in place.

The thermal imaging camera can quickly and efficiently identify the areas where these components have been incorrectly installed, defects in the manufacture of, eg, windows, or in some cases where the components are non existent.

With this it produces an accurate detailed report which can be used to rectify all these situations.

Thermal imaging allows you to locate water leaks, central heating leaks, air leaks, roof leaks, missing roof and wall insulation, chimney cracks, underfloor water seepage, mould build up, and condensation build up, and to check on blow in and cavity insulation.

Sharpscan can also give referrals for cavity wall insulation, heating system upgrades, sustainable energy, and replacement windows. The company can cover all your heating needs, providing comfort and savings for long winters.

For further information call Gerry at (086 ) 3622621, email sharpcomst @eircom.net, or visit www.sharpscan.ie


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