Women’s run for Simon

The second annual Women’s Mini Marathon Galway will take place on Sunday June 27, starting at Southpark.

The event is organised by Galway Simon Community and is sponsored by Bons Secours Hospital, and NRG Health and Fitness. After the huge success of last year’s event, the organisers are expecting far more entries so early registration is advised.

The 10 kilometre road race has been set up to cater for ladies of all fitness levels to experience the camaraderie of such an event on their doorstep. Participants can run, jog or walk the route which will include the Salthill Promenade along the way. All finishers will get a Race Medal and T Shirt. The event will be AAI registered, will have chip timing for accurate results, and will have water stations along the route.

All proceeds from registrations will go toward helping women who are experiencing homelessness in the west of Ireland. Speaking at the launch of the event, Barry McCann said: “Although Galway Simon are organising the race, participants can still raise additional funds for whichever charity is close to their heart. As an added incentive to Run for Simon, we are offering to refund the registration fee to all women who raise over €150 for Galway Simon Community.”

Registration is now open and costs €25 per entrant. You can register online at www.womensminimarathongalway.ie or by calling Barry on 091 589415.


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