The fall of France, the evacuation from Dunkirk, and the Battle of Britain will be examined in the next public lecture from the Renmore History Society. The lecture, entitled The Narrowest Margin – The Story of the Battle of Britain will be given by Brian MacGabhann in the Renmore Barracks on Thursday April 29 at 8pm.
Aviation enthusiasts will also be interested in this lecture as it will deal with the first air war and debate the old chestnut: which was better, Spitfire or Messerschmitt? The Spitfire is an aircraft classic and one of the most elegant looking machines ever designed, whereas the Messerschmitt, in the words of Motörhead singer Lemmy “looks as if it was built to kill”.
For more information and to reserve a space contact Brian MacGabhann on 085 - 7298831 or e-mail at