Learn Spanish and Italian the ‘practical’ way

New Spanish and Italian classes will start next week in the Language Institute at the Granary Learning Centre. These courses are specifically designed for people who plan travel or short stays in Spain, Latin America, or Italy. They will be focused on the words and phrases that you need to get information, to buy things, to get around, and to meet people. The innovative way in which the course is designed provides maximum practice with native speakers and is guaranteed to be functional and fun.

The classes will be held for two hours on one night of the week over an eight week period. Rather than be strictly classroom based, the classes will be a combination of some regular teaching and lots of practice in real-life scenarios. Different rooms in the Learning Centre will be set up to emulate a train station, a shop, a hotel, a restaurant, etc. Students will get the chance to use the language they have acquired with the native speakers who will act as the service providers in each situation. Common problems and mistakes can then be reviewed and the corrections practised again in the staged scenarios. It is guaranteed to be an exceptional learning experience and plenty of craic.

Further information about course times and costs for the practical Spanish and the practical Italian courses can be obtained by phoning the Language Institute at the Granary Learning Centre on (091 ) 566759, visiting the website at www.languageinsitute.ie, or emailing info@languageinstitute.ie


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