Salsa Slims shape up for summer

Stepping Out has just announced the course dates for its shape up for summer programme, which is available at a recession busting price of €100.

“I‘m delighted to be able to launch the course at such a good saving for people,” Stepping Out founder Sharon Tinkler said at the launch of the programme. “Everyone has money on their minds at the moment so we are trying to make the course as affordable for as many people as possible.

“Most people on the course lose a stone to a stone and a half. They may not win the weight loss competition but when you drop a stone you feel so good about yourself. Another big plus is just how much fitter you feel and how much more energy you have. The Salsa Slims class is so enjoyable that you don’t even notice you’re working out. I don’t think any other programme delivers such good results while still being so much fun to do.

“If you can drop a stone and a half, feel fitter, firm up, learn to dance Salsa, and have great fun doing it, who wouldn’t want to?“

For more information call (01 ) 620 50 0 or visit


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