Stockmarket workshop in Ballybane

A new workshop at the Ballybane Enterprise centre has been designed to help beginner investors avoid common mistakes made by amateur investors in the stock market.

The seminar is presented by Paddy Stronge and Stephen Cox of Share Navigator. Based in Trinity College Dublin, Share Navigator is a young innovative Irish company that provides support services to stock market investors.

According to Stephen Cox, a registered stock broker and self directed investor with more than 10 years’ experience in the stock market, the majority of amateur investors tend to invest on a whim or a tip from a friend and as a result get very poor results.

“Investors need to become educated before investing - it’s that simple. The days of taking tips are gone. Instead try making an informed decision,” he says.

Topics to be covered at next Monday’s workshop include how to open an online trading account, how to buy and sell shares online saving on commissions, and the importance of risk management when investing in the stock market.

During the presentation beginner investors will receive invaluable insights and understandings which will set them on their way to sensible and profitable investing.

They will also trade live with the US stock markets and will purchase a stock with the New York Stock Exchange using one of Share Navigator’s trading accounts.

“At a recent seminar over 17 people applied our strategies and outperformed the market by a minimum of 20 per cent and in some cases 40 per cent. The lesson here is that a little education will both save you and make you money,” concluded Cox

Commencing at 6.30pm on Monday April 26, the free workshop will take place in the Ballybane Enterprise Centre.

Places for Monday’s seminar can be reserved by contacting Mary or Tomas in Ballybane Enterprise Centre on 091 386004. Places are strictly limited so early registration is advisable.


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