Gort to celebrate Slieve Aughties

The Slieve Aughty Mountains and surrounding area will be celebrated in Gort next week when the fifth Aughty Gathering takes place in the town. The event provides a platform for community groups in counties Clare and Galway to share information and their own experiences around local heritage.

The Aughty Gathering is a locally organised event that brings people together to share hospitality and native knowledge of the Slieve Aughties. Presentations on the day will include talks on Kiltartan Gregory Museum, Ardrahan community heritage projects, the Killinane graveyard restoration project, holy well restoration in Beagha, local music, and place names in Inchicronan.

The theme of Slógadh Eachtai Gort 2010 is: ‘Making it Happen - our own stories’. Presentations on local projects will be made throughout the day and there will be ample opportunity for discussion and networking. A selection of local history/heritage publications will also be available for purchase.

Slógadh Eachtai Gort 2010 is hosted by community groups from Ardrahan, Beithe, Kiltartan, Killanena, and Gort Inse Guire. The gathering will take place in Gort Community Centre on Saturday April 17. Registration will take place from 9am and the opening topic will begin at 10am. The event is open to the public and admittance is free of charge.


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