If you are looking for a pet, please check out these gorgeous animals looking for homes. While we can only show you a sample here, please check our website www.galway-spca.com and have a look at all our animals. Please note home checks are carried out for all our animals, and a donation is required.
Our office number is (091 ) 563631, our sanctuary number is (090 ) 9676397. Please leave a message and the staff will return your call. We ask people leaving telephone numbers to say them slowly as we are having difficulty with people flying through their number, and when it is replayed it is impossible to know what the person is saying. If giving directions, please give them from Galway to the location in question.
You can also e-mail us at gspca@eircom.net
Pippin: Pippin is approximately nine months old, neutered, and very cuddly. He looks as though he will be a big cat. He loves to have his freedom but also needs somewhere warm to sleep at night. He loves to play, is very affectionate, and gets on well with other cats.
Spotz: Spotz is about nine months old and has been neutered. Spotz was very frightened when he first went to the GSPCA but has developed into a friendly, loving cat who craves attention. He loves to be petted but does not like being picked up. He is very affectionate towards people and other cats.
Nelson: Nelson is a very large cat, neutered, and about eight or nine years old. He has been in the wars and has lost his right eye. He is full of character and can be very entertaining. He can be extremely affectionate at times. He has many little quirks such as he likes his head rubbed but not his body. He is not keen on other cats and would need an understanding and patient owner(s ). Nelson also needs a few drops of medicine each day to keep his joints healthy. Anyone who is willing to take him on will be richly rewarded.
Doc: Doc is about nine months old, neutered, and very chilled out. He loves to snuggle up with you. He is not very independent so would suit living mainly indoors — he loves his comforts. He would not suit younger children or busy town/city life. He would be a most loyal companion. It takes him a bit of time to adjust to other cats. He likes to be picked up but would prefer to be on your lap, relaxing and being petted.