Treacy welcomes farm pensions move

Dep Noel Treacy has this week welcomed the move to rescind the withdrawal or reduction of the contributory old age pension from people who had availed of commercial partnership agreements.

Minister Ó Cuív has moved to restore the State Pension (Contributory ) to women who have worked on family farms in partnership with their husbands following the withdrawal of their contributory pensions at the end of 2009.

“This was an issue that had big implications for those involved,” Dep Treacy said. “The review, which included advice from the Office of the Attorney General, has led to an important change. The decision will be backdated to the date on which State pensions were withdrawn or reduced and all arrears due will be paid.

“The fact that overpayments will no longer be sought will be a huge relief for those who had been facing large bills,” he added. “The Minister has clarified that applications received or applications refused before December 31 2009 will be dealt with under the legislation at that time. This process will be completed within the next four weeks.

“Minister Ó Cuív has also told me that applications received from January 1 2010 will be processed under current legislation. The change, which has been based on further legal advice, has made progress on this matter possible. This news will come as a great relief to many people.”


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