cinema reviews

Clash of the Titans

With top stars taking on the roles of lightening smiting Zeus and feared lord of the underworld Hades, Clash of the Titans had all the ingredients to be an action-packed blockbuster but sadly with its haphazard storyline, some cringy scenes, and barely there 3D, it failed to impress.

As a lover of Greek mythology I was really looking forward to this remake of the 1981 film. There were loads of CGI effects and big names such as Liam Neeson and Ralph Fiennes but not even that could save this flick tragedy.

The Clash of the Titans is set around the Greek city of Argos where a war is imminent between man and the gods. Perseus (Sam Worthington ) has lost his family due to the wrath of Hades (Fiennes ) and comes to the city where it is discovered that he is a demi-god, the bastard son of Zeus (Neeson ) himself. Filled with thoughts of revenge Perseus reluctantly agrees to help save Argos and their princess, Andromeda, from Hades and his monster, the Kraken. He leads a band of soldiers on a quest where they fight off monsters, retrieve knowledge from the three horrible witches, fight Medusa, return to take on the Kraken, and prevent Hades from overthrowing Zeus.

Neeson’s portrayal of Zeus is adequate, however, he wasn’t given enough scenes. Fiennes could have been more sinister as Hades but his performance is certainly the best out of a bad bunch, and without him the film would have been dreadful. The casting of Worthington as the hero probably wasn’t the best choice as he has no presence. We should be cheer leading him but instead we just wish for the action scenes to come along and when they eventually do, it’s disappointing considering that director Louis Leterrier (Transporter 2 ) was at the helm. The CGI looked gimmicky and laughable. Leterrier missed opportunities to really create something special with the fight out at Medusa’s lair and the taking down of the Kraken. To rub salt in the wounds of this film buff, there were endless cringy moments, I half expected the riding off into the sunset and a Colgate like shining tooth grin (with a wink of course ). The 3D was practically non-existent. Where were the monsters flying out from the screen I asked myself while adjusting the annoying, and sore, bulky glasses. Basically, unless you are 12 I wouldn’t recommend seeing this film. Wait for the DVD.

Verdict: 1/5


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