Galway Roadstone workers to dig deep to make million for Simon

CRH employees take to the streets of Galway for a fundraising day this Saturday April 10, aiming to help raise funds for the Simon Communities of Ireland.

The company employees across the country aim to raise €157,645 on the day, to bring the total amount raised by CRH for Simon this year to €1 million.

‘Dig Deep for Simon’ is part of the CRH Simon Community Safety Challenge, CRH’s corporate social responsibility partnership with the homelessness charity. Under the Challenge, for every accident free quarter achieved at any CRH company location, CRH donates a sum of money to the local Simon Community operating in that region, up to a maximum of €1 million a year.

Last year, the CRH Simon Community Safety Challenge raised €842,355 for the Simon Communities of Ireland but employees are not satisfied that they failed to reach their target of €1 million and will take to the streets and attempt to raise the remaining €157,645 in their spare time.

Fundraising activity will take place in Galway, Waterford, Limerick, Naas, Newbridge, Portlaoise, Drogheda, and Dublin and reflects the strength of the partnership between CRH employees and the Simon Communities at a local level.

Like the CRH Simon Safety Challenge, all money raised from the ‘Dig Deep for Simon’ day will provide vital funding to tackle homelessness in the local region.

Commenting on the fundraising activity, Jim Farrell, CRH Safety Challenge spokesperson said: “Our partnership with Simon relies on the active participation of our workforce. Every single employee has played a role in the success of this endeavour to date so it is wonderful to see that this project has been taken to another level with the ‘Dig Deep for Simon’ fundraising day.

“We wish our employees all the best and we hope that they meet their targets on Saturday 10th April. We also look forward to another successful year of working with the Simon Communities of Ireland and helping them to achieve their objective of addressing long term homelessness in Ireland.”

According to Marlene O’Connor of Galway Simon Community: “CRH employees have made a real and tangible difference to the lives of the people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with whom the Simon Communities work all around Ireland. We greatly appreciate their continued support.

“The current economic climate means more people than before are at risk of homelessness. As increasing numbers of people are impacted by the recession, it’s inevitable that more people will be seeking help. Our partnership with CRH represents a very significant contribution, enabling the Simon Communities to continue working with some of the most vulnerable members of society.”

The companies participating in the challenge include the building materials providers Roadstone-Wood, Northstone Aerobord, Clogrennane, and Premier Periclase as well as Ireland’s largest cement producer, Irish Cement Ltd.


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