Innovating your talent to achieve career success

In these challenging times finding the ideal job, progressing in your current career, or ensuring that your employees have the skills they need to flourish is more important than ever before. Talent Fusion training and career transition consultancy, based in Deerpark Business Centre, Oranmore, was established in 2002 with the aim of helping individuals and companies achieve excellence through innovative customised career development and training solutions.

Director of Talent Fusion, Ger Colleran, and Cindy Nadesan and their team of highly trained specialists focus on encouraging personal development in order to nurture people’s talents and skills. They are also committed to delivering long-term personal and high quality services that deliver results and provide value for money.

Talent Fusion provides job/career change consultations and workshops, which are tailored for people from all walks of life. The objective is to assist individuals in planning, managing, and developing in their job/career. Consultations examine individual’s specific job employment needs, career planning challenges, self-appraisal, transferable skills, expertise, and interests. Following service interventions include presenting yourself on paper (cover letters, CVs, competency-based application form ), interview skills and techniques, organising a job/career hunt campaign, enhancing existing employment, identifying a preferred and realistic career, psychometric testing, profiling and assessment, setting up a small business, further education needs, and training and development needs.

Services for individuals also cover an innovative programme entitled Design Your Destiny. This programme involves a detailed self-assessment and self-evaluation of your vision, mission, and purpose in life. Neuro linguistic programming is used to help carve out a path so that you can achieve your goals. NLP works to change habits, destroy limiting decisions and behaviours, eliminate negative emotions, raise self-confidence, and provide empowerment.

The Identification of Your Ideal Job/Career programme helps clients explore their talents, skills, and achievements and identify their ideal, realistic, career choice. If you have an idea for a business but don’t know how to make it a reality, then the Own Business Development Planning programme can help put your aspirations and ideas on paper and impress potential investors and banking institutions.

Talent Fusion specialists also provide in-company services, which have proven to be very effective in helping businesses and their employees be the best that they can be. Talent Fusion specialists, who have combined 25 years of experience in this field, provide training support, training needs analysis, training planning, and development of training systems. Businesses can also get help and advice on designing comprehensive training kits, interactive e-learning programmes, designing presentations, and designing training management record systems. Service interventions include training programme titles, emerging leaders’ programme, project management, change management, coaching, and management development. They also work with local Skillnet organisations in delivering funded training initiatives.

Psychometric tests and assessments are an invaluable aid in recruitment and selection, career coaching and mentoring, job change/career change planning, performance appraisal, teambuilding, counselling. and personal development. Talent Fusion employs qualified psychometric testers and assessors who can administer, deliver, score, and report all types of psychometric tests and assessments for individuals and organisations.

Unfortunately redundancy and job losses are prevalent in today’s business world and can be very traumatic for those affected. Talent Fusion has developed and tailored outplacement programmes which aim to help participants look forward to new opportunities and challenges through securing new employment.

Talent Fusion is an approved and registered FETAC training organisation, a FÁS national registered training organisation, an advisor and assessor for the FÁS Excellence Through People Award, is certified by the British Psychological Association, and is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management, which is part of The City and Guilds Group.

Ger Colleran holds a degree in engineering (mechanical and plastics ), a diploma in professional management, and is currently completing a degree in education and training. Prior to Talent Fusion he worked for 18 years in the healthcare/medical device industries in various engineering and management roles.

Cindy Nadesan holds an MBA and a bachelor of commerce. She is an NLP master practitioner and as well as managing Talent Fusion’s business systems, she is developing a large coaching/training career portfolio in Talent Fusion. Her background is in retail and services management.

Such is the success of Talent Fusion, the company set up two brand new companies in 2009 to provide specific, yet linked and similar, service interventions to Talent Fusion, namely iCareer ( ) and Great Speech ( ). iCareer helps young people (15-25 years ) with their education planning and career planning needs and challenges, working with their parents/guardians. Great Speech helps people write and deliver tailored and impressive speeches for business, family, and/or social occasions.

To find out more about Talent Fusion contact (091 ) 388000 or visit


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