In a world where everything can be bought, and exclusivity has become ever more elusive, the desire among consumers for something unique grows year upon year. This trend is especially evident in the wedding industry: a bride and groom naturally want their day to represent them and their personalities as faithfully as possible.
It is now possible to buy personalised wedding stationery with the bride and groom's names printed in beautiful calligraphy; and even individually designed wedding invitations, unique to the couple, which will let the guests know that the wedding will express the very essence of who the couple are.
Companies offering this service usually have a fancy address in a major city. One such company, however, can be found close to home here in Galway: A Picture Of Happiness was founded in September 2009 by Róisín Curé. An artist all her life, Ms Cure offers hand-painted wedding invitations, commissioned on an individual basis, for those who want something a bit different. “My first handpainted invitation was for a friend's wedding last summer,” she says, “and the response was phenomenal. That made me start thinking that there could be a wider market for personal, hand-painted wedding invitations.”
Since her arrival in Galway in 1991, Ms Cure's landscapes have sold though Kenny's and other art galleries in the city, and to private clients. “I have painted our beautiful landscape in all kinds of weather, in all seasons, and I wanted to try something different,” she continues. “I'm very much a people person and the sheep don't often have a lot to say!” The service she offers is very unusual.
A bride can have the story of her romance painted on her cards, in the manner of a cartoon strip, or she can have the events of the day depicted on a special fold-out card, including the church, the venue and the entertainment. Everything is painted with great delicacy in beautiful watercolour, Ms Cure’s's favourite medium.“I have been incredibly lucky with the wonderful brides, both here and abroad, that I have worked with,” says Ms Cure.
“One New York bride started crying when she received her invitation, showing herself and her fiancé and how they met. Another bride, from Co. Kerry, is so thrilled that she has made promoting my work almost like a personal crusade! The job satisfaction is second to none, as I am part of these girls' special day, and I feel very privileged to share, and paint, the story of their love. Whenever a couple contacts me, I can't wait to hear all about them.”
The newlyweds invariably frame the originals, and it's often the first piece of art that they will have commissioned as a couple. Róisín Curé can be contacted through her website,, by phone on 087 212 3588 or via email on She is based in Kilcolgan and is available for consultation in the Galway and surrounding areas.