Parents of teenagers can learn more about issues of concern, such as drugs, legal highs, sexual health, alcohol and effective communication, at two information nights being held in the county later this month.
The events, which are being organised by Aids West, will take place on Monday March 22 at Gullanne’s Hotel, Ballinsloe and at the Station House Hotel, Clifden on Monday March 29, from 7pm to 9pm.
The free workshops, entitled “I’m a parent...Get me out of here,” will provide information and support.
The speakers will include Siobhán O’Higgins and Lorraine O’Connell, sexual health education co-ordinators with AIDS West, and Neil Wilson, drug and alcohol education co-ordinator, Western Regional Drugs Task Force.
The workshop will create a supportive environment where parents can learn factual information about drugs, alcohol and sexual health, according to the organisers.
“It will give parents advice on how to enhance communication between them and their teenagers as well as guidelines on what to do in emergency situations, eg, overdoses, recovery positions, etc.
For further information contact AIDS West at (091 ) 566266 or e-mail