Cinema Review: Crazy Heart

WITH A running time of two hours and 10 minutes the end of this film couldn’t come quickly enough. Although the story of a down and out alcoholic ex-country singing star would normally provide as much inspiration for a film as for songs, this was more boring heart than crazy.

Crazy Heart has received a few Oscar nominations (best actor, best supporting actress, and best original song ) but I’m not entirely sure why. Certainly Jeff Bridge’s proformance cannot be faulted, he was brilliant in fact, but the film just dragged on too much and you were left waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.

Ireland’s own Colin Farrell was given a meagre part and I just wanted to rip those girly earrings off him (no not even Farrell can pull it off ). I did like the country music, finding myself tapping my feet along in places, but there was too much of it making the film look like just a very long music video.

However, there were some superb parts where Bad Blake (Bridges ) descends into an unhealthy lifestyle of drink, vomit, and more drink, and it takes the love of a good woman to make him realise the error of his ways. Sadly, any brilliant scenes were overshadowed by the sheer boredom.

Fifty-seven-year-old Blake, real-name Otis, is a minor legend as a country and western singer. A disgusting, sweat smeared, belching, chain smoking, Blake has resorted to playing in bowling alleys and no-hoper places. His destructive behaviour has led to a string of failed marriages, an estranged son, and a warning of an early grave from a doctor.

His life takes a turn for the better when he meets newspaper journalist Jean Craddock (Maggie Gyllenhaal ) who wants to write a piece on him. Their relationship grows and Blake begins to get used to the idea of life with Jean and her four-year-old son. Bad’s professional career also begins to improve when he reconnects with a former touring partner Tommy Sweet (Farrell ). But Blake’s self-destructive nature is always lurking underneath the surface.

Maybe it was just me but Crazy Heart just didn’t interest me at all. There was just something missing. It is an OK watch but do not expect much.

Verdict: 2/5


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