The Galway Film Centre is inviting community, social, and voluntary groups from around the city and county to take part in a project that will allow them make their own documentary.
ID Projects, now in its 11th year, funded by the Arts Council, the Galway city and county councils, aims to document a broad range of issues and subjects in society by empowering groups to tell their own stories.
The Galway Film Centre gives professional advice and support to four groups - two from the city and two from the county - throughout the entire production process at no cost to the group.
Groups hoping to participate in the projects should have a unique voice, which encapsulates their community, tradition, lifestyle, views, and culture, and make a commitment to be able to work over the summer months.
For more information contact Nuala at the Galway Film Centre on 091 - 770748 or email The closing date for entries is Monday April 12