Galway university life over the decades

Being a student in 1950s Galway was a very different experience from being there in the 1970s, just as lecturing or working there changed over the decades.

The lives of students and staff at the university will be the subject of a public lecture, entitled A University In Living Memory, for the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society on Monday at 8pm in the Harbour Hotel, Dock Road.

In 2007 NUI, Galway initiated an oral history collection project which sought to establish, in the words of students and staff, what it was like to study, work or teach at what was formerly known as UCG from 1930 - 1980.

With work on the project now complete the project’s researcher, Jackie Uí Chionna, will discuss in her lecture the insights into the life of a university over a 50 year period which the interviews revealed.

All are welcome to attend.


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