Respond is offering a certificate in health care course over the coming months.
The certificate in health care offers an excellent opportunity for students who wish to learn more about health care. It runs one afternoon/evening per week (Monday ). The course offers a chance to gain an understanding of health and illness and to reflect on the ways we currently care for those we care for. Learners will be encouraged to explore existing practice, to learn new skills, and to benefit from the experiences of others in the group. The course is not only suitable for those already working in a care setting (paid or voluntary ), it is also appropriate for people who are considering a career in health care or who may have to care for a loved one in the future. Contents include up-skilling in recording vital signs, certification in cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, care of the elderly, communications and social studies, and the approach to learning will be experiential, participatory, and learner led.
Respond is the largest housing association in Ireland and offers housing to a wide range of people including the elderly and those with a variety of special needs. As it is a not-for-profit organisation, the certificate in health care is offered at €895 per person with discounts available for anyone in receipt of social welfare payments. For more information on this course contact or