Integrated development plan needed for Ceannt/Harbour development says Fahey

A comprehensive integrated plan for Ceannt Station and the Harbour area in Galway city is vital for the city so that both developments proceed in tandem and complement each other.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil Galway West TD and chair of the Oireachtas Transport Committee, Frank Fahey, delivered to CIE Chairman John Lynch at a meeting in Dublin yesterday.

The meeting, also attended by other Oireachtas members, was informed such a plan is currently being prepared.

“I expressed my concern that a comprehensive, integrated plan must be prepared to ensure the development of the Ceannt Station and Harbour area is done in such a way that one complements the other,” he said. “We need to know how the traffic issue will be dealt with, for instance, and this can only be done in a co-operative way.”

Dep Fahey also proposed that the events centre planned for the city be developed in the docks area rather than in Fisheries Field as has been previously suggested.

Mr Lynch informed Dep Fahey that a preferred bidder for the development at Ceannt Station has been selected but that no appointment has yet been made.

A meeting was requested for Oireachtas members, Harbour Board officials, Galway City Council members, and Iarnrod Éireann officials, to take place when the plan is completed.

Dep Fahey also asked Mr Lynch for an update on the Western Rail Corridor, and in particular, the provision of a station in Oranmore.

He was informed that a site has been identified at Garraun and that a survey is ongoing on the Galway to Tuam line of the Western Rail Corridor.

“It is vital the station proceeds as soon as possible and that the €9 million earmarked for it is made available,” said Dep Fahey. “We requested a further meeting for Oireachtas members in April or May following the opening of the Ennis to Athenry line of Western Rail Corridor.”

However Fine Gael senator Fidelma Healy Eames came away from the meeting feeling that a station in Oranmore was not seen as a priority.

“CIE admit Oranmore railway station not an immediate priority,” she said. “I am very disappointed with this response given the range of promises for some considerable years that this station was imminent. Even site purchase still has not been finalised


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