Lee debacle punctures holes in parachute strategy


The furore and acres of media space allocated to the decision on Monday of George Lee to walk away from his cushy well-paid Dublin South seat back into his cushy well-paid South Dublin media job could signal the beginning of the end for the practice of parachuting celebrity candidates into political life when in most cases they are ill suited to the change of role. The psyche of the politician does not sit well with the psyche of the ego-led media world which we inhabit. The cynicism necessary for the latter means that the former cannot be done with any great integrity. Even the few who have made the crossover from media to politicis are still viewed dubiously as ‘hiding it well’ in the new job.

The Lee resignation is manna from heaven for Fianna Fail-ers as contrary to popular belief, it probably prolongs rather than cuts short the tenure of Enda Kenny at the head of Fine Gael. What Fianna Fail do not want now in the next year is a change of leadership at Fine Gael, a change that would revitalise the party in advance of the general election. Kenny’s recent performances on TV and radio have shown that he is ill at ease when put under the spotlight, and that for all his charm and affability, he is not seen as the safe pair of hands to lead the country.

Fianna Fail know that when the next election comes around, they want Kenny to be in situ so that they can use the slogan “A vote for Fine Gael is a vote for Kenny as taoiseach” — (an Irish version of the President Quayle line that the Republicans used to scare US voters two decades ago ) — a mantra that will have a strong bearing with voters, given the current negativity regarding the public perception of the Mayoman.

FG know that to shaft Kenny now would be seen as a sop to a man who has left their party and would be perceived a a major sign of weakness.

Indeed, Lee’s departure has strengthened the hand of the Government whose policies he abhorred so much and which he said led him to enter politics in the first place.

The whole debacle has left two parties with red faces — George Lee for completely shooting his credibility as a journalist and as a politician. And Fine Gael for being caught completely unaware that this was about to happen. It reminds me of the case of a well-known journalist (who shall remain nameless ) who, when a TD many moons ago, took up the challenge of living on €20 a week in a tenement flat in Dublin to show that it could be done. However, a day or so into her week in the flat, she took the €20, spent it on a bottle of good wine and went home to her plush pad. Credibility is hard earned, and you have to walk many a mile to get it completely. Lose it and a lifetime may never be long enough to get it back.


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