The trouble with Hildegarde

Talking Politics

Fianna Fáil councillors both abstained from and walked out of a recent pact meeting in protest against Fine Gael’s Hildegarde Naughton, placing the future of the FF/FGael/Independent former PD allaince in doubt.

At a city council meeting on the Draft Galway City Development Plan in January, councillor Naughton caused a shock by going against tradition and not voting for proposals which sought to rezone land in the city.

Her move impressed Labour but horrified Fianna Fáil.

Many pact members claimed she had agreed to these rezonings at previous pact meetings but then changed her mind without informing anyone she was doing so.

Cllr Naughton claims she could not vote for rezonings which City Hall officials argued did not comply with proper procedures.

She also said she had sent word of her change of mind but this failed to be conveyed to other councillors.

Bitterness still lingers over the event and Fianna Fáil in particular remain very sore about the whole affair.

At the most recent meeting of the pact, FF councillors Peter Keane and Ollie Crowe refused to attend in protest at her actions. Cllr Michael J Crowe attended and read out a statement explaining why his colleagues were not there before leaving himself.

FF councillors feel there is “no point” in discussing items and agreeing matters with Cllr Naughton given that she could change her mind at any time.

They also feel this has implications for the pact and may consider not voting for Cllr Naughton if FG put her forward for the position of mayor.


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