Price reductions attract buyers to Mitsubishi

Mitsubishi Motors reacted last November to the difficult market conditions in the motor sector by announcing price reductions to the Outlander, Lancer and Colt ranges.

As a result of this and the VAT reduction on January 1, the price of the 1.1L three-door and five-door Colt moves to €11,900, down from €13,430 and €13,950 respectively. Those who qualify for the Government Car Scrappage Scheme can take a further €1,500 off all quoted Mitsubishi prices, so the entry level Colt is available to such buyers for €10,400.

The 1.5L Lancer saloon, the best selling model in the range, is reduced from €21,823 to €18,917, a reduction of nearly €3,000.

The biggest reductions, however, are reserved for the Outlander range, where in a streamlined model line-up, the seven-seater Intense passenger model will now retail at €25,844, down from €39,950. For the Outlander commercial, the price moves from €24,950 down to €19,867 including the reduce VAT rate.

Commenting on the new prices, Robert Guy of Mitsubishi Motors Ireland said: “Market conditions for the entire motor industry are extremely difficult while the disposable income of many motorists has decreased significantly. These reductions reflect this reality while their scale shows we are serious about offering exceptional value and stimulating sales in the first quarter of 2010. Over our 25 years in Ireland, in my view, there has never been a better time to buy a Mitsubishi.”


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