Learning how to treat children with behavioural disorders

An information evening on advances in the treatment of children with learning, behavioural, developmental and emotional disorders will be held at Ballybane Enterprise Centre on Monday February 8 at 8pm.

Entitled “Look after your Child’s Mental Health in 2010”, the seminar will be addressed by Liam Clarke, director of the Advanced Neurotraining Clinic, Rose Kavanagh, Irish National Council for ADHD Support Groups and Senator Fidelma Healy Eames.

Topics to be covered will include an overview of the supports available for parents of children with ADHD and a presentation on neurofeedback or brainwave training. This is reporting significant successes with over 30 years of evidence based research in treating children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD and general learning disorders.

Liam Clarke, who established Ireland’s first neurofeedback training clinic in Limerick two years ago, says this system addresses brain deregulation problems and offers opportunities for rehabilitation through directly retraining the brain.

“Abnormal brainwave patterns are associated with brain dysfunctions and children with ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, head injuries, and epilepsy tend to have excessive die-regulated brainwave activity.

“Neurofeedback training retrains healthier brainwave patterns in the individual and offers a drug free, non-invasive and lasting alternative way to normalise and improve brain function,” says Mr Clarke who recently opened a branch of Advanced Neurotraining at Ballybane Enterprise Centre.

“In January 2000, Frank H Duffy, professor and neurologist at Harvard Medical School commenting in the Journal of Clinical Electroencephalography, stated that scholarly literature suggested that neurofeedback should play a major therapeutic role in many difficult areas. Ten years later ongoing research studies have shown that it can successfully treat a wide variety of disorders that present in children, including anxiety, bedwetting, nightmares, ADHD, autism and migraine.”

The seminar will conclude with a question and answer session. For further information contact the Advanced Neurotraining Clinic at (091 ) 760766.


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