Leading expert on Mediaeval Ireland to address Galway Archaeological and Historical Society

One of the leading experts on Mediaeval Ireland, NUI Galway’s Prof Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, will be speaking at the next meeting of the Galway Archaeological and Historical Society.

The meeting, entitled Whitley Stokes: Recovered Leipzig Notebooks, takes place in The Harbour Hotel, on Monday at 8pm.

Whitley Stokes (1830-1909 ), the scion of a famous Dublin family, was the greatest Irish scholar of the 19th century. After his death his working notebooks were all lost, but 100 years after they disappeared all 150 notebooks have come to light again, miraculously discovered in a library in Leipzig, eastern Germany. The talk describes this exciting find, and its importance for the history of Irish studies.

Prof Ó Cróinín has been lecturing in the Department of History at NUI Galway since 1980. He is the editor of the Royal Irish Academy’s New History of Ireland, Vol 1 (Oxford 2005 ) and has numerous other publications.

All are welcome to attend.


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