Marx for dummies

Since free market capitalism imploded dramatically just less than 18 months ago, political pundits have been writing articles and publishing books saying how they saw the crash coming first.

Whether they did or not is another matter, but one man who certainly did see all this happen and foretold the world of the problems inherent within capitalism was a long haired, bearded German who lived in the 19th century.

Karl Marx, through his voluminous writings, particularly his three volume Das Kapital, analysed the workings of capitalism, predicted globalisation, and outlined how the capitalist model was prone to busts where ordinary people would feel the brunt of recession and economic collapse. Sound familiar?

Marx and his writing are being examined again and those interested in finding out more about him can do so at a series of informal workshop talks on Marxist economics from The James Connolly Forum.

The talks will be given by NUI, Galway’s Terry McDonnough on Thursday February 4 and Tuesday 9 (both at 8pm ) in Richardson’s, Eyre Square. The workshops will be presented in layperson terms and all are welcome to attend.


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