Kenneth Webb to give painting demonstration in Kenny’s

THE CELEBRATED artist Kenneth Webb will give a painting demonstration in Kennys’ Bookshop and Art Gallery, Liosbán, this Saturday at 2pm.

Kenneth Webb was born in London and grew up in Gloucester on the Welsh border. In 1974, he bought an old cottage near Clifden, with almost an acre and a half of land. It was half bog, half meadow, and full of wild flowers.

Webb began to cultivate them and add to them and later introducing cultured trees and shrubs and flowers. He built a pond for waterlilies, and hauled in some enormous lumps of bog oak from neighbouring bogs.

The result of this extraordinary arrangement is probably a nightmare for the formal gardener, but for Kenneth Webb it is the source of much inspiration for his magnificent and intensely colourful paintings.

Webb will give a demonstration of how he works and composes his paintings. Tickets are €15 and all proceeds are in aid of Cancer Care West. Tickets are available from Cancer Care West on or through 091 - 545000.


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