Recreational facilities on the cards for Headford Road area

A new objective to provide playing pitches and active recreational facilities in the Headford Road area has been inserted into the Draft Galway City Development Plan 2011 - 2017.

The objectives insertion into the plan came following calls from Labour councillor Derek Nolan to provide such facilities in the Castlegar/Bothar an Coiste area.

Cllr Nolan made his call at the recent city council meeting. He asked council officials where they expected “a child in Bothar an Choiste would play football, or where a local sports could train?”

“We have seen all over Galway housing estates built without even the most basic provision for play,” he said. “We urgently need to get away from this approach and begin to remedy the existing deficiencies.”

Cllr Nolan was supported in his call by his fellow councillors. He said the next step is to “ensure implementation of the plan as soon as possible”.


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