John Quinn weekend open viewings under way

John Quinn auctioneers has been quick off the mark in 2010 with the introduction of open viewings every Saturday on various properties in and around the city.

An excellent turnout was enjoyed last weekend at properties at Liosmore, Cappagh Road, No 289 Tirellan Heights, and Monalee Heights. Last week’s open viewing also included properties in An Castán, Doughiska; Brú Na Mara, Fort Lorenzo; Inishannagh Park, Newcastle; and Corrach Buí, Rahoon.

In the coming week John Quinn has further open viewing on an excellent property at Doire Uachtair, Furbo, which is a top class three bedroom detached bungalow on a fine site.

Full details and times of open viewings can be obtained from John Quinn’s office at (091 ) 569174.


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