Calls to Childline almost doubled in past year

Calls to Childline volunteers in Galway almost doubled in the past year. The charity’s local representatives answered 950 calls per week in 2009 compared to 500 in 2008.

The confidential helpline for children and young people received 895 calls, texts and emails on Christmas Day - a 13 per cent increase on calls received on the same day last year.

The organisation says this increase reflects the “increasing demand” for its service.

Margie Roe, Childline online manager, says children contacted Childline on Christmas Day for a variety of reasons.

“The majority of calls this year were from children who were experiencing difficulties such as loneliness, social isolation, depression and family difficulties. Some children also contacted us to tell us that they were having a great Christmas Day and some others who we assisted in 2009 contacted us to let us know that they were doing OK and to say thanks.

“Thanks to all our volunteers in Galway for giving time to Childline throughout 2009. Childline, Galway answered on average 950 calls per week in 2009 compared to an average of 500 calls in 2008. We need to continue to increase our accessibility to young people again in 2010.”

The helpline is seeking volunteers and is appealing to people to give some spare time to the service.

“Childline needs volunteers who are committed, flexible, open-minded and child-centered. Childline provides volunteers with training on active listening skills, child development and child protection. After training Childline volunteers commit to four hours to providing support to young people each week.”

Introductory group meetings will take place on Thursday January 14 from 7pm to 8.30pm and on Saturday January 16 from 12pm to 1.30pm at the ISPCC office, 21 Town Park Centre, Tuam Road, Galway. For further information telephone (091 ) 752387 or e-mail


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