HSE urges public to visit elderly during cold snap

The HSE West is appealing to the public to visit elderly relatives and neighbours to make sure they are well during the current cold spell.

A spokesperson for the local health authority says its staff, such as public health nurses and home helps, continue to visit elderly and house bound clients. However, they are having difficulty accessing some of the more remote locations.

“We are liaising with local authorities in such cases but it is important that the general public also call to their elderly relatives and neighbours to ensure they are safe, warm and have the necessary supplies.

“This is important given the recent cold weather as elderly people in particular may find it difficult to move about with icy footpaths and roads. If you have any particular concerns you should contact your HSE office, alternatively please see the HSE website at www.hse.ie for contact details or call the HSE information line at 1850 24 1850.”


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