Aer Arann chairman appointed Adjunct Professor to NUI Galway

Pádraig Ó’Céidigh, chairman of Aer Arann, one of the fastest growing regional airlines in the world with a turnover in excess of €100 million and annual passenger numbers of 1.2 million, has been appointed to the position of Adjunct Professor with NUI Galway’s JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics.

His first task as Adjunct Professor, which is an honorary three-year position, will involve the preparation, introduction and delivery of a new final year undergraduate module to business students, entitled ‘Innovation, Creativity and Enterprise’.

This module will demonstrate to students real life innovative practice, and foster the same in them in their final year prior to graduating and entering the workplace.

A graduate of NUI Galway, Mr Ó Céidigh was the 2002 recipient of the Bank of Ireland Alumni Award for Business and Commerce for his significant achievements in the airline industry and his contribution to Irish society and economy.

He has been a stalwart supporter of student mentoring and education through his position as Chief Executive in Residence with the JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics.

Speaking about his appointment, Mr Ó’Céidigh said: “It is a great privilege for me to be afforded an opportunity to contribute to my alma mater in this way.

“I believe with conviction in life-long education and I would hope that I can, as Adjunct Professor at NUI Galway, promote and help develop the excellent education programmes that are offered by the JE Cairnes School of Business and Economics”.

Mr Ó’Céidigh is recognised nationally as a leading business figure and was named Ernst and Young Irish Entrepreneur of the Year in 2002.

He went on to represent Ireland in the World Entrepreneur of the Year awards in Monte Carlo in 2003. He was named Galway Person of the Year in 2004 and is only one of only three people to be honoured as honorary member of the MBA Association of Ireland.

The Dean of the College of Business, Public Policy and Law, Professor Willie Golden speaking about Mr Ó’Céidigh’s appointment, said: “We are delighted to have Pádraig as part of the team, through his involvement students will gain extremely valuable insights into innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship.”


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