‘Bravest woman in Afghanistan’ to address peace party through tele-link

A member of the Afghan parliament who has survived four assassination attempts will link up by telephone with the Galway Alliance Against War’s New Year’s Day peace party at the rowing club on January 1 at 7pm.

Malalai Joya who has been described by Human Rights Watch as “the bravest woman in Afghanistan” will make contct with the group from her base in the mountains of Afghanistan.

The local peace group believes it will be a “truly unique” experience for Galway people to hear firsthand why the war in Afghanistan is not the solution to the problems of that troubled country.

Joining the Afghan MP on this cyber-platform will be Sue Glenton, the wife of the British soldier Lance Cpl Joe Glenton, who refused to return to fight in Afghanistan and now faces a court martial. Ms Glenton, who is also a member of the British army, will take part in the peace event through a video link-up.

There will be music to suit all tastes on the day. GAAW is also hoping to have some puppet theatre with a difference as well as a poignant photo exhibition on the war in Afghanistan.

GAAW’s spokesperson Niall Farrell says the New Year’s Day peace party will mark the beginning of a new decade.“The so-called ‘noughtys’ was a decade of war which was disastrous for the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan as well as for Irish neutrality. It’s time for a new resolution, it’s time for the Irish people to re-embrace our traditional policy of neutrality.”


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