Westdoc service only for urgent cases

The Westdoc out-of-hours GP service is reminding patients over the festive season that the service is only for those who require urgent GP medical care.

Siobhan O’Sullivan, Westdoc manager, says Christmas is busy for everyone with people preparing to spend this special time with families and friends.

“In Westdoc staff are hard at work preparing for what is the service’s busiest time of the year. There are three public holidays between Christmas and the New Year which Westdoc cover in addition to their usual evening and weekend service.

“While it is hard for the GPs and Westdoc staff missing out on this festive time they are committed to covering out of hours GP medical care needs in the communities they serve.”

Dr Oliver Whyte, Westdoc clinical director, says the service’s primary concern is to provide urgent GP care to patients of participating GPs who become ill outside regular surgery hours.

“It is critical that these patients can access the Westdoc service promptly. If patients call for non-urgent or routine matters it prevents the system operating at its best for those who really need it.”

Westdoc will provide its normal range of services over Christmas, including free nurse advice. It is an appointment service only for patients of Westdoc GP members. If they require urgent or emergency GP care they can telephone Westdoc on their lo-call number 1850 365000. Where possible however, patients are asked to contact their own GP.

To assist Westdoc provide the best quality service the public are asked to have the following information ready if you need to call.

“You will be asked for the following details:-

- Patient’s name if known to you.

- Contact telephone number - landline if possible/mobile if no landline.

- Current location of the patient.

- Patient’s date of birth or age.

- Patient’s own GP - family doctor.

- Patient’s medical card if applicable.

- Nurse will ask you for the patient’s current medication list.

If you think the patient is in immediate danger say so as soon as your call is answered and then follow the instructions. Do not call for routine matters that can wait until your doctor is back in his/her surgery.”

People are advised to make sure they get their prescriptions filled so they will have enough medication over the holiday season.

Westdoc is also recommending that people have their medicine cabinet/first aid box stocked.

General Supplies






Antihistamines (for allergies )

Anti-diarrhoea agents

Anti-emetics (tummy upsets )


Cotton wool



Swine flu inquiries can be dealt with by the HSE 24 hour swine flu information line at 1800 94 11 00 or www.swineflu.ie


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