Get some Gift Grub in Castlebar

THE BEST, most hilarious, and pointed satire of politicians, celebrities, sportspeople and their foibles, egotism, and absurdity is Mario Rosentocks’s Gift Grub.

Having joined the team at the Ian Dempsey Breakfast Show on Today FM 10 years ago, Gift Grub has become essential listening across Ireland every weekday morning. Now Mario is taking the show on the road and will stage Gift Grub - Live on the stage of the Royal Theatre Castlebar on Friday April 9 2010.

“We have been talking about this for as long as Gift has been on the radio - so that’s 10 years!” said Mario. “We’re going to stuff it with as many characters and as many laughs as possible. I can’t wait! I’m planking it, but I can’t wait!”

Tickets are now on sale for Gift Grub - Live. Tickets are available on from The Royal Box Office on 0818 300 000. Overnight packages available from €89 per person B&B including ticket to the show. For more information see or


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