Employers should apply to expanded Employment Subsidy Scheme says Kitt

Applications are now being invited to the second, broader Government Employment Subsidy Scheme and the deadline for applications is Wednesday December 23.

The Employment Subsidy Scheme was initially established in August and more than 470 employers and 7,700 jobs were supported under the first round. The criteria have now been expanded so as to support a wider range of jobs and businesses.

Fianna Fáil Galway East TD Michael Kitt is encouraging Galway businesses to apply the newly expanded scheme, which he believes will help protect jobs.

“More than €70 million has been spent already under the first round of the Employment Subsidy Scheme supporting jobs that may otherwise have been lost,” he said. “Effectively, the Government pays the employer a subsidy to help them maintain jobs.”

The scheme is open to exporting and non-exporting companies from all sectors that employ more than 10 people and €65 million has been allocated to fund eligible applications.

There are two bands under the scheme. Under the first band employees must work an average of 35 hours week or more for their employers to receive a subsidy of €9,100 over a 12-month period.

Under the second band, employees must work an average of 21 hours and fewer than 35 hours and the employers will receive a €6,370 subsidy for each job supported.

This means that employers who have already reduced working hours because of the downturn can also benefit from the scheme.

Applications can be made through ess@enterprise-ireland.com, by calling 1850 211 535, or through contacting Dep Kitt’s office


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