Galway sports stars have rallied behind the Sports Aid collection which took place in Supermac’s, Eyre Square on Saturday.
The sports gear and equipment will be passed on to those who need it but may not have the resources to purchase it. This includes schools, sports clubs, and individuals.
Supermac’s managing director Pat McDonagh said the response was “uplifting”.
“We’re delighted with the response to the first Sports Aid supported by Supermac’s. It was uplifting to see the charitable spirit we know is so prevalent throughout Galway in action. People spoke of how there is more of a need than ever for an organisation such as this to help those affected by the recent flooding to get back into a normal routine.
“We look forward to continuing the Sports Aid collection in Supermac’s, Headford Road, Galway over the coming week.”
Neil McNeilus, director of Sports Aid, said Sports Aid had been inundated with requests for sports gear and the collection had given a huge boost to resources in the organisation.
“Declan Power Sports, Loughrea, donated badly needed sports gear, while Mycro Helmets has given us a number of new hurling helmets. These are much needed by schools, sporting clubs, and individuals and we are very excited to be able to help them. We believe there are many more people with sports gear and equipment they no longer use who can find a home for it and do a good deed by donating it to Sports Aid.”
Sports Aid needs all types of sports gear and equipment including football boots, Astroturf boots, footballs, hurleys, sliotars, helmets, rugby balls, equestrian tack, jerseys, sports tracksuits and shorts, sports jackets, runners, and golf clubs.
Supermac’s, Headford Road, Galway will take donations of sports gear and equipment on behalf of Sports Aid until Sunday (December 13 ). Organisations and individuals who wish to apply for consideration of Sports Aid assistance can e-mail