Improved pedestrian facilities for Dublin Road

The Galway City Council will install new traffic signals at the Dublin Road/Michael Collins Road junction, adjacent to Glenina Heights, next week.

The installation of the equipment begins on Monday. However the Galway Transportation Unit said the works will “not cause disruption to traffic prior to Christmas” and will only result in “minor traffic disruption in the New Year”.

The signals will not be switched on until schools reopen in the New Year. The works will also incorporate enhanced pedestrian facilities to assist pedestrians crossing this road to Bon Secours Hospital; Scoil Caitríona, Renmore; Holy Trinity and St Michael’s boys schools; and the Galway Hospice.

The need for this particular junction has been identified by a number of stakeholders including members of Glenina Residents’ Association and local representatives. Tiarnan McCusker, An Taisce’s green schools travel officer has welcomed the news that the works are about to start.

“It’s very welcoming to see the Galway Transportation Unit carrying out infrastructural improvements to facilitate more children walking to school,” he said. “By overcoming some of the barriers and safety concerns, especially for younger children, we can accommodate even greater numbers getting involved in the Walk on Wednesdays, Park ‘n’ Stride, and Walking Bus initiatives.”

The Galway Transportation Unit said that enhanced pedestrian facilities such as those scheduled for this junction on the Dublin Road will become a key feature of its future work.


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