Gairmscoil Mhuire Athenry students launch Christmas CD

Transition year students and the school choir in Gairmscoil Mhuire, Athenry, have just released a new album Ceol na Scoile, featuring Christmas carols as Gaeilge.

As part of their transition year programme, the students combined three subjects - Irish, music and business, to come up with the idea of producing the album. Not only are they promoting a love of Irish and Music, they are also gaining valuable entrepreneurial experience in marketing and selling the product.

Ceol na Scoile features much loved Christmas carols and favourite Irish songs like ‘Ag Rince Trid an Aer’, ‘Rudolf an Fia Rua’, and ‘Peigin Leitir Mhor’.

The CD was launched by Sean Ban Breathnach at a function in the school. It costs €10 and will be available in all local shops as well as the usual outlets in Galway city. Proceeds will go to the Paediatric Unit University Hospital Galway and to the development of a music department in the school.


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