NUIG to host masterclass for business leaders

Growing Brands Through A Recession is the title of a one-day masterclass for business leaders which will be held in NUI Galway on Thursday January 21 2010.

The event is designed with business professionals in mind and will highlight factors leading to brand success and, through examples, show how leading brands get through tough times. This will be a ‘hands on’ event as delegates will work in syndicate groups to apply various frameworks to their own businesses. During plenary sessions, ideas for growing brand value will be shared, and discussions will help to shape brand-building activities.

The event will be co-hosted by marketing guru Prof Leslie de Chernatony, professor of brand marketing at the Universita della Svizzera Italiana in Switzerland and Aston Business School, Britain, and Dr Elaine Wallace, lecturer in marketing and Associate Head of Development and Promotion at the JE Cairnes School of Business & Economics at NUIG.

The Chartered Institute of Marketing cite Prof Leslie de Chernatony as one of the 50 gurus who have shaped the future of marketing due to his pioneering work on brand management.

His cutting edge work on strategically building brands has helped many organisations develop more effective brand strategies. He has run many highly acclaimed management development workshops throughout Europe, the USA, Asia, and Australia. His advice has been sought by numerous organisations throughout the world on developing more effective brand strategies.

The full cost for the masterclass is €195. To register for the event visit For more information contact Angela Sice, Centre for Innovation and Structural Change, on 091 - 492817 or Dr Elaine Wallace on 091 - 492603.


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