City council launches access awareness campaign

Today sees the launch of the Galway City Council’s new access awareness advertising campaign as part of International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The campaign will include the distribution of leaflets, display of posters on billboards and bus shelters, and advertisements in newspapers and on local radio. The aim is to raise awareness of access and disability issues. In particular it seeks to focus on the misuse of accessible (blue badge ) parking spaces and parking in unapproved locations such as footpaths.

“This type of driver behaviour is of serious concern to persons with disabilities,” said Eithne Murphy, the council’s access projects officer. “Our statistics show that there is consistent abuse of the accessible car parking spaces in the city.”

There is an €80 fine for such an offence. Parking on the footpath is another area that has been highlighted by local disability groups. “This often forces persons to walk on the road which can be particularly dangerous for persons with vision impairments and limited mobility,” said Ms Murphy.

The Galway City Council is welcoming all comments on this campaign, which can be emailed to


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