Cope and Galway hotels launch office party fundraiser

Cope Galway, in conjunction with the Galway Branch of the Irish Hotels Federation, has launched it Christmas office parties fundraising initiative.

This will involve Cope leaving donation envelopes on tables at office parties across 10 participating hotels in Galway city and county this Christmas. It is part of the organisation’s Shine A Light Christmas appeal which is appealing to the public to support its services and supports for homeless people, women and children experiencing domestic violence, and older people in Galway.

For the list of participating hotels and more information on ‘Shine A Light’ see Donations for the Shine A Light campaign can be made directly to Cope Galway, 2-5 Calbro House, Tuam Road,, 091 - 778750, or through the bank to Bank of Ireland, Sort Code: 903816, Account Number: 39096396.


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