Seminar to help people cope with new realities

Practical advice to newly unemployed or those facing redundancy

A seminar aimed at providing practical advice and coping skills for those who are recently unemployed or facing redundancy will be held in Ballybane Enterprise Centre on Tuesday December 1 from 9am to 1.30pm.

Entitled Coping with New Realities- Embracing Change and Making the Transition, the seminar will be facilitated by Nial O’Reilly of Executive Coach and will include presentations from a psychologist, life coach, nutritionist, personal trainer and CHEK practitioner, HR specialist, and accountant.

Participating in the seminars will be Noel Coughlan counsellor and psychologist on coping with and surviving unemployment; Ann McGarry of Ann McGarry Coaching on dealing with stress and motivational techniques to help you take charge of your life; Cathy Scanlon of HR Signposts speaking about effective CVs, pointers for interviews and how to stand out from the crowd to get the attention of human resources professionals and hiring managers; Linda Keane of Galway Volunteer Centre on the health benefits of volunteering; Mary Fitzpatrick of HealthFitz who will advise on maintaining health and fitness in stressful times; Maev Creaven of the Galway Nutrition Centre on foods to nourish your body and economical and healthy food choices; and Brian Feeney on DFS Accountants and Business Advisors who will advise on budgetary and finance issues

Following the above presentations, seminar attendees will have an opportunity to interact with the presenters to have their questions answered and to network with other jobseekers who share common concerns and experiences.

According to Liam Bluett, general manager of Ballybane Enterprise Centre, this seminar will be of benefit to people facing redundancy or newly unemployed and will provide practical advice on dealing with unemployment and planning for the future.

“Day after day we are hearing about the rising number of people losing jobs or facing redundancies,” says Liam Bluett.

“For this seminar we have assembled a range of experts who will provide the best possible advice to people attending so that they can learn to cope with their situation and prepare for their future careers.”

The seminar is free of charge, but due to the high numbers expected to attend, advance booking is essential.

For further information contact Ballybane Enterprise Centre on 091 386004.


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