Galway Chamber demands reduction in car park charges

All car parks in Galway city should introduce half price parking from 12 noon each weekday from now until the New Year, according to the Galway Chamber.

The chamber is calling on the Galway City Council and private car park owners to reduce parking charges in the run up to Christmas, in line with action taken by other cities. Chamber president Paul Shelly said that by reducing car parking charges, the Galway City Council can make a real commitment to jobs in Galway.’

He said the aim of the initiative is to attract shoppers back into the city centre in the run up to Christmas.

“Shoppers are currently staying away from the city centre because they consider parking to be too expensive,” he said. “We want to get these shoppers back, we need to get these shoppers back, and this is one way to do it.”

Mr Shelly said that in order to protect jobs, people must be encouraged to shop, and shop local. “Our slogan this season ties in with Galway Chamber’s shopping website,” he said. “We want people to think twice before they decide to go out of town. Each person’s spend in Galway helps keep a job here. If car park charges are an issue for shoppers then we must address that issue.”

Galway Chamber also urged shoppers from out of town to use the city council’s park and ride service this Christmas at the Galway Racecourse in Ballybrit.

“We know that there is choice and value for shoppers in Galway,” he said. “This is a great place to shop and the atmosphere is second to none.


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